The most well-known ab workout is probably the crunch, which is a twist on the sit-up. To keep back and neck problems from getting worse, be careful not to make them worse when you do them.
Tabletop crunches are a twist on the crunch exercise. You do them while keeping both legs in a "tabletop" position, which means them are off the ground and your knees are bent 90 degrees, like your feet are on a tabletop.
After mastering the initial two crunches, add core exercises and upper and lower body work to make them harder. Bicycle crunches develop your core and spine with rotation.
Planks are a great core workout because you keep a neutral spine, Lawton explains. You're using several body parts. Upper body, glute, and lower body strength are involved.
A hollow hold may appear ridiculous, but it works your abs and needs upper- and lower-body power. The hold aspect of this exercise may need more practice, but that's the goal.
Despite its strange name, the dead bug exercise is a great way to strengthen your abs and work out your whole body through movement. It may take a little while to get the hang of at first.